Bone and Joint Health
Supplements formulated to provide you with essential building blocks of healthy bones and joints.
USANA Health Sciences are a leading manufacture of nutritional supplements, personal care and weight management products. They are distributed internationally through leading retailers. USANA Vitamins have reached a standard often not seen in over the counter nutritional products. They voluntarily adhere to the pharmaceutical grade good manufacturing practices.
Their facility is FDA Approved - this is another indicator of the steps their research team go through to ensure their customers are receiving the highest in quality and expertly research health products.
USANA Supplements are guaranteed to be bio-available and contain no contaminants.
Disclaimer: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
If you have already been in contact with another USANA Associate, we encourage you to contact that individual for more information.
Neil Maidment is an Independent Distributor of USANA Health Sciences - 4273306
To view the full list of products on offer please head to www.neilmaidment.usana.com